<aside> ⚠️ Data is no longer being updated regularly due to the recent Twitter API changes
ETH Leaderboard is an interactive list of Twitter accounts that have their .eth ENS name in their Twitter profile. It can never be 100% comprehensive due to Twitter API limitations, but a bot is searching for new profiles and updating existing profiles in the background at all times.
Gets a list of Twitter profiles with .eth in their name sorted by followers
Parameters (all optional)
q | string | Search query. Matches handle and .eth name |
count | integer | Number of profiles to return per response |
skip | integer | Number of profiles to skip in a response |
verified | boolean | Filters by Twitter verification status |
Sample Request
curl -X 'GET' \\
Sample Response
"frens": [
"id": "24966423",
"name": "TreySongz.eth",
"ens": "treysongz.eth",
"handle": "TreySongz",
"followers": 13593211,
"verified": true,
"updated": "2022-12-15T22:28:18.391Z",
"pfp": "<https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1474428171806253060/MJGZIJd7_normal.jpg>",
"ranking": 1
"count": 109124,
"response_time": 228